Ed On The Issues

Fight Big Insurance

The insurance crisis in Florida has reached critical levels, with many homeowners struggling to afford skyrocketing premiums. Between 2017 and 2021, Florida’s average annual home insurance premiums increased by nearly 50%, from $1,918 to $2,934, compared to the national average which increased by only about 11% during the same period.

Many insurers have either left the state or significantly reduced their coverage options. Ed Montanari believes that any legislative proposal must mandate real reductions in policyholder rates and ensure that insurers do not simply pass costs onto consumers while padding their profit margins.

As an outsider with new ideas, Ed will call for the creation of an Insurance Fraud Task Force to root out corruption and profiteering by insurance companies. 

Make Housing Affordable

Housing affordability in Florida is a pressing issue exacerbated by inflation and restrictive zoning laws, and it is especially acute in the City of St. Petersburg and Pinellas County because of our population density. Locally, Ed has worked on innovative solutions to fund attainable workforce housing, including zoning and land use changes and allowing more Accessory Dwelling Units to be built. Much more work must be done at the state level to address these issues.

Ed Montanari aims to tackle these root causes by advocating for the reduction of regulatory barriers that hinder housing development. By streamlining zoning regulations and permitting processes and continuing to fund affordable housing he intends to increase the supply of workforce housing and make sure Pinellas County residents can continue living in the neighborhoods they love.

Prioritize Flood Resilience

St. Petersburg and other coastal communities in Florida face significant threats from sea level rise and increased flooding. Over the past decade, Florida has seen a 6-inch rise in sea levels.

On the City Council, Ed Montanari has fought on the frontlines of neighborhood resiliency and flood mitigation in St. Petersburg. This year, Ed presented short, medium and long-term solutions to on flooding issues to city leaders and helped secure over $51.1 million for additional backflow preventers and flood prevention systems.

He supports securing increased resilience funding and ensuring that statewide flood mitigation plans are tailored to address the specific challenges faced by St. Petersburg, including improved drainage systems and coastal defenses.

Stand With Police

Ed Montanari’s brother is Veteran of the St. Petersburg Police Department, and he knows first hand how hard our law enforcement agencies work to protect our streets. Ed firmly stands on the side of our first responders and is committed to securing the necessary resources to maintain community safety. This includes voting for a new police headquarters, securing funding for a new police training facility, and requesting funding for a new K-9 facility. 

Ed is endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police, the Police Benevolent Association, and Sheriff Bob Gualtieri for his commitment to supporting law enforcement.

Invest In Our Environment

Florida’s natural beauty and biodiversity are key to its identity and economy, especially here in Pinellas County. Ed Montanari is committed to researching and combatting the cause of harmful algal blooms, like red tide, which have devastating effects on marine life and local economies, costing Florida’s economy millions in lost tourism revenue.

In the State House, Ed will advocate for targeted environmental funding to preserve Florida’s landscapes and waterways. He supports science-based, common-sense initiatives aimed at restoring the Everglades, protecting coastal ecosystems, and promoting sustainable development practices that protect the rights of those who are already here.

Secure Our Borders

Ed knows that an open Sourthern border and uncontrolled illegal immigration puts our public safety and our economy at risk. Ed supports secure borders and commonsense policies to protect our jobs. Ed will empower local law enforcement to quickly deport criminals who enter our country to traffic drugs and do us harm. 

Ensure Quality Education

As a graduate of Northeast High School here in St. Petersburg, Ed knows how important our public schools are and remains committed to improving them. Ed Montanari supports expanding school choice, giving families the flexibility to select the best educational environment for their children, whether it be public, charter, or private schools. At the same time, he emphasizes the importance of supporting public schools by ensuring they have adequate resources, competitive teacher salaries, and access to advanced educational tools to foster a nurturing and effective learning environment for all students.